
TEK Mosenergo JSC

TEK Mosenergo Trading LLC is one of the largest engineering companies in Russia, the main activity of which is design and construction of generation facilities, power grid facilities, seaports, oil and gas sector facilities, social facilities, etc.


Today, TEK Mosenergo group includes:


— branches of TEK Mosenergo JSC at the sites of implementation of construction projects throughout Russia;


— Institut Teploelektroproyekt JSC that carries out design and survey work for the needs of TEK Mosenergo JSC;


— Trest Gydromontazh JSC, the main subcontractor of TEK Mosenergo JSC that performs general construction, thermal installation, hydraulic and engineering work;


— EnegoSK LLC, a subsidiary company that performs the full range of electrical installation work on construction projects;


— VMP-Engineering LLC, a subsidiary company that performs anti-corrosion and flame retardant work.


— Thus, TEK Mosenergo group of companies has the strongest design base, a professional team, many years of experience in implementing modern energy-efficient and environmentally friendly technologies, the latest three-dimensional modeling systems, established long-term relations with domestic and foreign equipment manufacturers.
The track record of TEK Mosenergo group includes the implementation of many large strategically important investment projects. Among the customers of the group there are Gazprom Energoholding LLC, including Mosenergo PJSC and OGK-2, as well as OEK JSC, ROSSETI PJSC, FGC UES PJSC, Gazprom Transgaz Moscow LLC, RusHydro PJSC, Moscow Heating Grid Company (MTK), MOEK PJSC, TGC-1, Uralchem PJSC, Uralkali PJSC and others.
Nowadays TEK Mosenergo JSC is a dynamically developing multidisciplinary holding company, ready for long-term cooperation in all areas of its activities with both Russian and foreign partners.
