Accreditation of the suppliers
Simplify your participation in procurement of the Inter RAO Group companies
The accreditation procedure for suppliers of goods, works, services has been developed in order to optimize and improve the efficiency of procurement management mechanisms for timely and full support for the production activities of the Inter RAO Group under the existing centralized supply system, and the protection against unscrupulous suppliers.
Accreditation is based on the following basic principles:
Voluntary basis
Accreditation is carried out in relation to the entities that voluntarily expressed a desire to receive an assessment of their competence in the field of accredited activities, who submitted a written application in the prescribed manner and voluntarily wished to follow the accreditation procedure established by the Company.
General accessibility is achieved by informing the Applicant about the rules and conditions of accreditation.
Necessary steps to pass the accreditation:
- 1Registration on the ETP (creating an account on the electronic trade platform and registration of a legal entity based on two documents)
- 2Replenishment of the account (to apply for accreditation, it is necessary to replenish a personal account for the amount specified in the accreditation procedure)
- 3Analysis of the open accreditation procedures
- 4An application filing
- 5Waiting for the decision of the Customer on your package of documents