Participation in an unlimited number of procurement procedures
No fee from a winner of the procurement procedure
To apply for participation in procurement procedure the deposit is blocked on participant’s account in amount of 150,000 ₽
Participation in an unlimited number of procurement procedures
Fee is charged from the winner of procurement procedure
In order to participate in procurement procedure with the published IMP, the participant’s account must have 1% of the IMP, but not more than 75,000 rubles, in the account. That amount will be frozen during the procedure participation period.
The participant can take part in one procurement procedure with the published IMP for free
Fee is charged from the winner of procurement procedure
Non-competitive procurement contract
Access to the feature of signing contract documents outside the scope of competitive electronic procurement
SME-only procedure
Procedure, where only SMEs can participate in accordance with art. 3.4 of Federal Law No. 223
Fee is charged from a person with whom contract is concluded in the result of procurement (including the person evaded from contract conclusion) Funds are debited from the special account
1. All terms and definitions of the Tariff plan are used in accordance with the Regulations of work on the Electronic Trading Platform TEK-Torg JSC in the Section “Procurement procedures of Rosneft”, unless otherwise defined in the Tariff plan.
2. The date of access to the Procurement procedures on the ETP is the date of tariff activation.
3. Termination date of access to the Procurement procedures on the ETP:
For “Partner” tariff: the respective day of the last month of the tariff validity period;
For “Non-competitive procurement contract” tariff: the respective day of the last month of the tariff validity period.
4. Tariffs activated before the date of entry into force of new tariff plans are valid on the conditions specified in the Regulations and the Tariff plan in force on the date of activation of the tariff.